Behaviour Plan

Our goal

Our goal is to create a safe and restorative learning environment for all children, where everyone feels a sense of belonging and is valued. Vardon School is a place where everyone can fulfill their potential.

Our values

Golden rules we live by

We are gentle.

We do not hurt anybody.

We are kind and helpful.

We do not hurt the feelings of others.

We work hard.

We do not waste our own or others’ time.

We look after property.

We do not waste or damage things.

We listen to people.

We do not interrupt.

We are honest.

We do not cover up the truth.

Jenny Mosley

Our responsibilities

Children are learning to be responsible for their behaviour at all times. They will show respect and care for others. They will participate in class activities and contribute to the smooth running of their class. With support, children will manage themselves by coming to school ready to learn. They will arrive on time, with all the things they need for the day, including their book bag, their lunch and suitable clothing.

Parents are responsible for sending their child to school every day with a positive attitude, healthy food, and the correct gear they need for their day at school. They will make sure that their child gets enough sleep and gets to school on time.

Teachers are responsible for providing a safe and motivating learning environment. They will model positive behaviours for their class. Teachers will be explicit about behaviour expectations by providing clear routines and modelling acceptable behaviour. Teachers will teach and develop necessary social skills on a daily basis, through a variety of formal and informal approaches.

Our restorative practice steps

When a child engages in inappropriate behaviour, teachers will:

  • Encourage the child to follow instructions and the Golden Rules.
  • The teacher will repeat the instruction if needed
  • Child will spend time reflecting on their choices
  • If their inappropriate behaviour continues they will be sent to a buddy room for continued reflection time
  • Any serious or continual misbehaviour will be recorded. The child’s parents will be contacted and the Learning Team Leader and Leadership team will provide support.
  • An individual behaviour plan may be developed following discussions between parents and teachers.

During any of these steps, a child will be given the opportunity to repair the harm and change their behaviour.